Dive master 

Talk of professional leadership. Doha Divers gives you the opportunity to be a divemaster by enabling you to gain the knowledge, supervision ability and become a divemaster that every diver aspires as their mentor and motivator.


This course is a step to your diving career. The role of the divemaster is to supervise scuba diving activities and assist scuba diving classes. It gives you a platform to share your scuba diving passion and become a PADI Divemaster.

PADI Divemaster course teaches you to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. Through knowledge development sessions, water skills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, you develop the skills to organize and direct a variety of scuba diving activities.


The role and characteristics of the PADI divemaster;

  • Supervising dive activities and assisting with student divers
  • Diver safety and risk management
  • Divemaster conducted programs and specialized skills
  • Business of diving and your career
  • Awareness of the dive environment
  • Dive set up and management
  • Mapping and open water site
  • Conducting dive briefings
  • Organizing a search and recovery project and deep dive
  • Conducting a scuba review and skin diver course
  • Assisting with Discover Scuba Diving and leading Discover Local Diving programs

Your instructor may also offer the PADI Deep Diver and Search and Recovery Diver specialty diver courses along with your divemaster training to help you.