Reactivate scuba refresher program 

With confidence, jump into your next adventure. Recover the abilities you learned in your first scuba diving training without having to start from the beginning.

Details: If you feel you need a diving refresher after spending some time without diving and are not confident enough. This is the right course for you to refresh and gain diving confidence again with the Doha Divers instructor guiding you through with a high level of professionalism and patience. They will help you refresh your diving skills and review basic Scuba knowledge.

ReActivate Scuba Refresher Program has two components:

  • Knowledge review that includes interacting with reactive theory
  • Practical diving with relevant guides from Doha Divers instructor

After completing the course, you get a certification card showing a “Reactivated Thru” date.

Instructions: This course covers various sections with scenarios that rejuvenate your memory of what you had learned in a civilized manner.

Some topics to be covered;

  • dive preparation
  • boat diving
  • dive computers
  • aquatic life
  • handling problems
  • diving health and fitness